

Available options, their defaults, types and names in .env:

name default .env type
port 3000 PORT=3000 Number
secret 'secret-XXXX' SECRET=secret-XXXX String
public 'public' PUBLIC=public String
views 'views' VIEWS=views String
engine 'pug' ENGINE=pug String
env 'development' NODE_ENV=development String
favicon false FAVICON=public/logo.png String
parse [info] [info] Object
session [info] [info] Object
socket [info] [info] Object
security [info] [info] Object
log 'info' LOG=info String

You can set those through the first argument in server() function:

// Import the main library
const server = require('server');

// Launch the server with the options
  port: 3000,
  public: 'public',

The options preference order is this, from more important to less:

  1. .env: the variable within the environment.
  2. server({ OPTION: 3000 }): the variable set as a parameter when launching the server.
  3. defaults: defaults will be used as can be seen below

They are accessible for your dev needs through ctx.options (read more in context options):

server(ctx => console.log(ctx.options));
// { port: 3000, public: './public', ... }


Environment variables are not commited in your version control but instead they are provided by the machine or Node.js process. In this way these options can be different in your machine and in testing, production or other type of servers.

They are uppercase and they can be set through a file called literally .env in your root folder:


Remember to add .env to your .gitignore.

To set them in remote server it will depend on the hosting that you use (see Heroku example).


The alternative to the environment variables is to pass them as the first argument when calling server(). Each option is a combination of key/value in the object and they all go in lowercase. See some options with their defaults:

const server = require('server');

  port: 3000,
  public: 'public',
  secret: 'secret-XXXX',
  engine: 'pug',
  env: 'development'   // Remember this is "env" and not "node_env" here

Special cases

As a general rule, an option that is an object becomes a _ separated string in uppercase for the .env file. For example, for the SSL we have to pass an object such as:

  port: 3000,
  ssl: {
    key: './ssl.pem',
    cert: './ssl.cert'

So if we want to put this in the environment variable we'd set it up such as:


The converse is not true; a _ separated string in the .env does not necessarily become an object as a parameter. You'll have to read the documentation of each option and plugin for the specific details.


The port where you want to launch the server. Defaults to process.env.PORT or 3000 if not found, and it's the only option that can be specified as a single option:

server();        // Use the default port 3000
server(3000);    // Specify the port
server({ port: 3000 });  // The same as the previous one

If you are setting the port in your environment that will take preference over the argument as all environment variables. So it will work seamlessly in Heroku and other hosts that define a PORT environment variable.

Or you can leave it empty and just use your .env file:


Example: setting the port to some other number. For numbers 1-1024 you'd need administrator permission, so we're testing it with higher ports:

const options = {
  port: 5001

/* test */
const same = ctx => ({ port: ctx.options.port });
const res = await run(options, same).get('/');


It is highly recommended that you set this in your environment variable for both development and production before you start coding. It should be a random and long string. It can be used by middleware for storing secrets and keeping cookies/sessions:


The default provided will be different each time the server is launched. This is not suitable for production, since you want persistent sessions even with server restarts. See the session in production tutorial to set it up properly (includes some extras such as Redis sessions).

It cannot be set as a variable: server({ secret: 'whatever' });.

If you have other secrets it is recommended that you prepend those by their respective vendor names:

# Used by server.js for sessions

# Used by different middleware
# ...


name default .env type notes
public public PUBLIC=public String Folder path

The folder where your static assets are. This includes images, styles, javascript for the browser, etc. Any file that you want directly accessible through the browser such as should be in this folder. You can set it to any folder within your project.

To set the public folder in the environment add this to your .env:


Through the initialization parameter:

const options = {
  public: 'public'

/* test */
const same = ctx => ({ public: ctx.options.public });
const res = await run(options, same).get('/');
expect(res.body.public).toBe(path.join(process.cwd() + '/public'));

To set the root folder specify it as './':

const options = {
  public: './'

/* test */
const same = ctx => ({ public: ctx.options.public });
const res = await run(options, same).get('/');
expect(res.body.public).toBe(process.cwd() + path.sep);

If you don't want any of your files to be accessible publicly, then you can cancel it through a false or empty value:

server({ public: false });
server({ public: '' });


name default .env type notes
views views VIEWS=views String Folder path

The folder where you put your view files, partials and templates. These are the files used by the render() method. You can set it to any folder within your project.

It walks the given directory so please make sure not to include the e.g. root directory since then it'll attempt to walk node_modules and that might delay the time to to launch the server significantly.

To set the views folder in the environment add this to your .env:


Or pass it as another option:

const options = {
  views: 'views'

/* test */
const same = ctx => ({ views: ctx.options.views });
const res = await run(options, same).get('/');
expect(res.body.views).toBe(path.join(process.cwd(), 'views') + path.sep);

You can set it to any folder, like ./templates:

const options = {
  views: './templates'

/* test */
options.views = './test/views';
const same = ctx => ({ views: ctx.options.views });
const res = await run(options, same).get('/');
expect(res.body.views).toBe(process.cwd() + path.sep + 'test/views' + path.sep);

If you don't have any view file you don't have to create the folder. The files within views should all have an extension such as .hbs, .pug, etc. To see how to install and use those keep reading.


name default .env type notes
engine engine ENGINE=engine String, Object engine

Note: this option, as all options, can be ignored and server.js will work with both .pug and .hbs (Handlebars) file types.

The view engine that you want to use to render your templates. See all the available engines. To use an engine you normally have to install it first except for the pre-installed ones pug and handlebars:

npm install [ejs|nunjucks|emblem] --save

Then to use that engine you just have to add the extension to the render() method:

// No need to specify the engine if you are using the extension
server(ctx => render('index.pug'));
server(ctx => render('index.hbs'));
// ...

However if you want to use it without extension, you can do so by specifying the engine in .env:


Or through the corresponding option in javascript:

server({ engine: 'pug' }, ctx => render('index'));

The files will be relative to your views folder. When using hbs, the views folder will also be used to load your partials, so you can write them like this:

<!-- `views/index.hbs` -->
  <!-- This file is in `views/head.hbs`. Note how we also pass a variable -->
  {{> head title="Hello world" }}
    <!-- This file is in `views/partials/nav.hbs` -->
    {{> partials/nav }}

Writing your own engine

Engines are really easy to write with server.js. They must be a function that receives the file path and the options (or locals) and returns the text to render from the engine. It can be either sync or async. To configure it for handling a specific extension, just put that as the key in an object for engine.

As an example of how to handle nunjucks, in a single file for it:

// nunjucks-engine.js
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');

// The .render() in Nunjucks is sync, so no need to wait
module.exports = (file, options) => nunjucks.render(file, options);

Then in your main file:

const server = require('server');
const { get } = server.router;
const { render } = server.reply;
const nunjucks = require('./nunjucks');

const options = {
  engine: {
    // Register two keys for the same render function
    njk: nunjucks

server(options, [
  get('/', () => render('index.njk', { a: 'b' })),
  get('/hello', () => render('hello.nunjucks'))

You can also set the function to async and it will wait until it is resolved, and return the result to the browser as expected.


name default .env type notes
env development NODE_ENV=development String, Object ['development', 'test', 'production']

Define the context in which the server is running. It has to be one of these: 'development', 'test' or 'production'. Some functionality might vary depending on the environment, such as live/hot reloading, cache, etc. so it is recommended that you set these appropriately.

Note: The environment variable is called NODE_ENV while the option as a parameter is env.

This variable does not make sense as a parameter to the main function, so we'll normally use this within our .env file. See it here with the default development:


Then in your hosting environment you'd set it to production (some hosts like Heroku do so automatically):


These are the only accepted types for NODE_ENV:


You can check those within your code like:

server(ctx => {


To include a favicon, specify its path with the favicon key:

const server = require('server');

server({ favicon: 'public/favicon.png' },
  ctx => 'Hello world'

The path can be absolute or relative to the root of your project.

Most browsers require /favicon.ico automatically, so you might be seeing 404 errors if the favicon is not returned for this situation.


The parsing middleware is included by default. It uses few of them under the hood and these are the options for all of them. They should all work by default, but still give access to the options if you want to make some more advanced modifications.

Body parser

This is the name for the default parser for <form> without anything else. The technical name and for those coming from express is urlencoded. See the available options in the middleware documentation.

As an example, let's say that you want to upgrade from the default limit of 100kb to 1mb:

  parser: {
    body: { limit: '1mb' }

JSON parser

This will parse JSON requests into the actual variables. See the available options in this middleware documentation.

As an example, let's say (as above) that we want to change the limit for requests from 100kb to 1mb. To do so, change the json parser option:

  parser: {
    json: { limit: '1mb' }

You can also combine the two above:

  parser: {
    body: { limit: '1mb' },
    json: { limit: '1mb' }

Text parser

Plain ol' text. As with the other examples, refer to the middleware full documentation for more comprehensive docs.

An example, setting the size limit for the requests:

  parser: {
    text: { limit: '1mb' }

Data parser

This is for file uploads of any type. It uses Formidable underneath, so refer to the Formidable documentation for the full list of options.

An example:

  parser: {
    data: { uploadDir: '/my/dir' }

For using cookies, it uses cookie-parser underneath so refer to express documentation for the full list of options.

An example:

  parser: {
    cookie: {
      maxAge: 900000,
      httpOnly: true


It accepts these options as an object:

server({ session: {
  resave: false,
  saveUninitialized: true,
  cookie: {},
  secret: 'INHERITED',
  store: undefined,
  redis: undefined

You can read more about these options in Express' package documentation.

All of them are optional. Secret will inherit the secret from the global secret if it is not explicitly set.

If the session.redis option or the env REDIS_URL is set with a Redis URL, a Redis store will be launched to achieve persistence in your sessions. Read more about this in the tutorial Sessions in production. Example:

# .env
// index.js
const server = require('server');

// It will work by default since it's an env variable
server({}, ...);

Otherwise, to pass it manually (not recommended) pass it through the options:

const redis = 'redis://:password@hostname:port/db_number';
server({ session: { redis } }, ...);

Session Stores

To use one of the many available third party session stores, pass it as the store parameter:

// Create your whole store thing
const store = ...;

// Use it within the session
server({ session: { store } }, ...);

Many of the stores will need you to pass the raw session initially like this:

const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
const store = RedisStore({ ... });

You can access this variable through server.session after requiring server:

const server = require('server');
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(server.session);
const store = RedisStore({ ... });

server({ session: { store } }, ...);


You can pass here the options for

  socket: {
    path: '/custompath'

This is the equivalent of doing this with

const io = socket(server, { path: '/custompath' });

You can see an example on how it's used in the websocket example.


It combines Csurf and Helmet to give extra security:

  security: {
    csrf: {
      ignoreMethods: ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'],
      value: req => req.body.csnowflakerf
    frameguard: {
      action: 'deny'

We are using Helmet for great security defaults. To pass any helmet option, just pass it as another option in security:

  security: {
    frameguard: {
      action: 'deny'

For quick tests/prototypes, the whole security plugin can be disabled (not recommended):

server({ security: false });

Individual parts can also be disabled like this. This makes sense if you use other mechanisms to avoid CSRF, such as JWT:

  security: {
    csrf: false

Their names in the .env are those:



Display some data that might be of value for the developers. This includes from just some information up to really important bugs and errors notifications.

You can set several log levels and it defaults to 'info':

  • emergency: system is unusable
  • alert: action must be taken immediately
  • critical: the system is in critical condition
  • error: error condition
  • warning: warning condition
  • notice: a normal but significant condition
  • info: a purely informational message
  • debug: messages to debug an application

Do it either in your .env:


Or as a parameter to the main function:

server({ log: 'info' });

To use it do it like this:

server(ctx => {'Simple info message');
  ctx.log.error('Shown on the console');

If we want to modify the level and only show the warnings or more important logs:

server({ log: 'warning' }, ctx => {'Not shown anymore');
  ctx.log.error('Shown on the console');

Advanced logging

You can also pass a report variable, in which case the level should be specify as level:

  log: {
    level: 'info',
    report: (content, type) => {

This allows you for instance to handle some specific errors in a different way. It is also useful for testing that the correct data is printed on the console in certain situations.

Keep reading

List of all the topics: